Anh Linh | Chat Online
03/09/2022 13:06:10

Complete the conversation. Use the sentences in the box

II Complete the conversation. Use the sentences in the box
2What does she look like?
Why do you like her?
Who do you sit next to in your class, Lily?
It's great to hear that. When can I meet her?
Thank you very much.
Can you introduce me to her?
Blue eyes? I think she looks beautiful without glasses.
Ella: (1)
Lily: I sit next to Chloe.
Ella: (2)
Lily: She's tall. She wears glasses and she has blue eyes.
Ella: (3)
Lily: You're right. But she wears glasses all the time.
Ella: (4)
Lily: Yes, I do.
Ella: (5)
Lily: Because she is friendly and helpful. She usually makes me laugh and helps me with my English homework.
Ella: (6)
Lily: Sure, Ella. I think she will like you. And three of us will be good friends.
Ella: (7)
Lily: Let me ask her first. Then I'll tell you later.
Ella: (8)
Lily: Never mind.
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