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13/09/2022 18:15:33

Circle the correct word

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Circle the correct word.
1 I thought I could trust you! You've really let me off / down.
2 Do you get on / in well with your older sister?
3 As children grow off / up, they want more independence from their parents.
4 Dave has fallen off/ out with Jason and they're not talking to each other at the moment.
5 Ed was brought in /up by his aunt because his parents lived abroad.
6 I used to go out / by with Tony but we split off/ up about a year ago.
7 I hate looking after / over my baby brother!
Write one word in each gap.
Advice for parents of teenagers
Maybe they've (5)
with their best friend and feel upset and angry.
Maybe they've just (6)
up with the boyfriend or girlfriend they've been
out with. Maybe
You've always (1)
your children to come to you when they're in
trouble. You feel it's your job to
after them when
they're having problems. But now, as your
children are (3)
they often don't want to share their problems
with you. That's perfectly normal, so don't
worry! Of course, you want to
on well with your
children, but that means you have to give them
some freedom.
they've been (8)
by a friend who they trusted. Teenagers go
through all these problems. If they want to
talk to you about it, then that's fine. But if they
don't, don't force them. They'll come to you
when they're ready.
Prepositional phrases
Each of the words in bold is wrong. Write the correct word.
1 Are you still on contact with any friends from university?
2 I'm going to split up with Dan because we've got nothing from common.
3 I don't think I'd like to live on myself.
4 Would you like to live by your own?
5 Fiona didn't break your MP3 player with purpose. It was an accident!
6 Guess what! Mike and Julie are at love with each other.
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