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12/10/2022 18:05:19

Read the text, and do the tasks that follow

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8. The campaign raised people's awareness of protecting the environment.
IV. Read the text, and do the tasks that follow.
Proud of their dustbin!
The dustbin is full to the top with crisp packets and coloured plastic. In fact, it's so full that it's difficult
to put the lid on. But the Strauss family, who owns this dirty, old dustbin full of rubbish, are very proud
of it. Why? Because it contains all the family's rubbish for a whole year.
Two years ago, Richard and Rachelle Strauss and their daughter Verona read an article about plastic bags
and how they cause pollution and harm sea creatures. They decided to stop using plastic bags completely.
Now, when they buy food, they reuse their own bags each time. They recycle as much as they can - glass
bottles, plastic bottles, paper, cardboard, cans - and they simply don't buy things if they can't recycle the
packaging. (They buy their toothpaste in aluminium tubes just because aluminium can be recycled.) And
they never throw food away - they eat their leftovers or use them to make compost.
At the moment, it's impossible to recycle plastic crisp packets and sweet wrappers - and Verona loves
crisps. If she bought a packet of crisps a day, she'd have to throw away lots of plastic. So she buys the
biggest packets she can find - and each packet lasts for a week.
The family are keeping a record of their lifestyle on their website. They hope that other people will read
it and reduce their waste. If everyone recycles a bit more, it will make a huge difference.
Task 1. Answer the questions.
1. Why is it difficult to put the lid on the Strauss family's dustbin?
2. Why did they stop using plastic bags?
3. Why do they take their own bags to the shop?
4. Why do they buy toothpaste in aluminium tubes?
5. Why does Verona buy one big packet of crisps every week?
6. Why does the family have a website?
Task 2. Complete the phrases from the text with the verbs below.
cause eat harm make
recycle reduce
sea creatures
a difference
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