tuấn phong phạm quang | Chat Online
20/10/2022 17:57:30

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Most of us have a hobby or some, but hobbies differ (1) _______ person to person. (2) _______ is a relaxing hobby that can be enjoyed by people from any age group. There are various ways by which gardening can offer us relaxation.

Gardening (3) _______ us an opportunity to refresh our mind after working or studying time. It brings us the green plants and flowers and fills our lungs (4) _______pure oxygen. The outdoor environment and fresh air (5) _______ good for our health. We can get great pleasure from gardening, growing flowers and some vegetables of the season.

Gardening not only offers us the beauty of flowers and plants but also brings us (6) _______. A family with a vegetable garden can save a lot of money when they grow vegetables rather than buy them from (7) _______. Vegetable gardening is very rewarding (8) _______it makes us feel better, less stressed, and produces delicious vegetab.

1. A. with                               B. at                            C. in                                        D. from

2. A. Do gardening               B. Gardening             C. Doing garden                   D. Make gardening

3. A. gives                             B. makes                    C. does                                   D. has

4. A. by                                  B. in                            C. with                                   D. over

5. A. is                                    B. was                        C. were                                   D. are

6. A. benefits                        B. habits                     C. hobbies                             D. things

7. A. outing                           B. outside                  C. inside                                 D. indoor

8. A. so                                   B. although                C. because                             D. but

les for us to eat

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