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05/11/2022 21:34:56

Choose the best answer

Question 31: Recently I've been too busy to hang_
A. away
B. out
Question 32: Susan is fit as she often.
A. plays
B. goes
Question 33: The boys don't mind
A. washing
Question 34: My mom usually goes for a bike
A. drive
Question 35:
A. Before
B. to washing
on the weekend.
B. joumey
C. run
C. Because of
Mike has a car, he drives to work every day.
B. Now that
Question 36: How much time do you spend
A. for
B. out
C. into
Question 43: Can we
this week.
A. keen
B. frond
Question 41: Going shopping is my.
A. more
B. to paying
A. decide
B. less
Question 42: The weather this autumn is even
A. bader
B. badder
with my friends.
C. up
C. does
their father's car.
your hobbies?
D. on
for our meals as a thank you.
B. arrange
Question 44: How about going to the temple_
A. in
B. on
C. to wash
D. dances
Question 37: Lily offered
A. to pay
Question 38: Monopoly is a popular
paper that look like money.
B. crossword
A. puzzle
C. quiz
Question 39: Never buy things you don't need just because they are on
A. selling
B. sell
C. sale
D. sold
Question 40: Are your kids_
in history? If so, you can take them to that
D. on
D. wash
D. ride
D. Then
C. paying
D. pay
game which is played with dice and pieces of
C. promise
Saturday morning?
C. at
C. interested
D. favor
_favorite thing to do. It's so boring and time-
C. least
(bad) than last autumn.
C. worse
D. worst
to go to the movies next week? I'm afraid I can't make it
D. board
D. most
D. refuse
D. since
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