Trang Thuu | Chat Online
15/11/2022 07:54:10

Give the right form of the verb in the bracket

III.Give the right form of the verb in the bracket
I think exercise (be)...... ..(1) important for our health. However, I'm not keen on (do)
(2) exercise. During the week I(have).............(3). to study hard, so on weekends I (get
/often ).....
..(4)up late and play video games until midnight. It (seem)..
(5) that I never exercise. My mother(say)......
or I (get).......... (8) fat.
..(6) that I need to change (1).....…... (7) habit
she (have)
..(1) playing golf so much. Whenever
.(3) to the course with (she).....…….………..……..(4)
.(5). She enjoys it, too. Besides, She
(7)a bit fat now, so she
2. Carey (like)
..(2) free time she (go).....
friends. Sometimes her girlfriend goes with (she)..
(get) ...
thinks she (need)…...
(6) up early in the moning to jog. She (be).....
.(8) to exercise a lot to be in good shape.
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