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27/11/2022 13:04:38

Read the passage and answer the following questions

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Exercise 1- Read the passage and answer the following questions.
Tom lives on Baker street. It is small but pretty and dean with eight houses on the road. All of the houses are
big and detached with three bedrooms. Tom's neighbours are very friendly. Saj and Rob live next door to him,
and they are his best friends. At the end of the road, there is a baker's and a butcher's.
Tom's mum and dad live round the comer and near the post office. Two of Tom's friends, Paulo and Rose, live
across the road from Tom's parents on Oxford street. When Tom goes to the post office, he gives his washing to
his parents.
Tom loves where he lives because it's near where he works. He walks to work with Saj to Queens Avenue in
the bus station. Saj works behind where Tom works. Tom doesn't like where he works, it is dirty and smelly.
When Tom goes home, he feels happy.
Part 1 - Find the words or phrases in the passage suitable for the definitions below.
very close
very near here
a shop where meat is for sale
clothes that need to be washed
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