Phạm Diệp | Chat Online
02/12/2022 19:51:32

Rewrite these following sentences using "must/ mustn't"

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Exercise 2. Rewrite these following sentences using "must/ mustn't".
1. Don't park your car on bends. It is illegal.
→ You Mf. 22k your car an bendr
2. I want you to tidy the classroom.
→ You (drettside the class room.
3. I need your help. It's too much work for me.
Werleht Meden
→ You
4. Promise that you'll never ever do it again!
→ You M... da it again
5. It is important for me to pass the exam.
→ I...........
6. It is against the law to drive without a seat belt.
→ You
7. It's important not to blow your nose in public in Japan.
→You ......
8. In the UK, it's important not to talk with your mouth full.
→ In the UK, you
9. In some Muslim countries, it's important not to eat with your left hand.
In some Muslim countries,
10. In lots of countries, it's important that you eat everything on your plate.
→ In lots of countries, you
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