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01/01/2023 16:22:37

The study, published in the Beidish journal Nature, adds to a growing scientific chores of warnings about pace and comequences cising oceans

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
The study, published in the Beidish journal Nature, adds to a growing scientific chores of warnings about
pace and comequences cising oceans. I also serves as a corrective to a massive report issued last year by the
Nobel winning UN Imergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), according to the authors
Rising ase levels are driven by two things the thermal expansion of sea water, and additional water from
melting sources of ice. Both processes are caused by global warming. The ice sheet that sits atop Greenland, for
example, contains enough water to raise world ceas levels by seven metres (23 feet), which would bury a
level cities from Dhaka to Shanghal
Trying to figure out how much each of these factors contributes to rising sea levels is critically important
to understanding climate change, and forecasting future temperature rises, scientists say. But up to now, there
has been a perplexing gap between the projections of computer-based climate models, and the observations of
scientists gathering data from the oceans
The new study, led by Catis Domingues of the Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research, is
the first to reconcile the models with observed data. Using new techniques to assess oceas temperatures to a
depth of 700 metres (2,300 feet) from 1961 to 2005, it shows that thermal warming contributed to a 0.53
millimetre-por-year rise lo sea levels rather than the 0.32 mm rise reported by the IPCC
1. Ultimately, the new study should help scientists to
A lower water levels
1. better predict climate change.
C. bury sea-level cities like Dhaka and Shanghai
2. The rise in water levels is especially dangerous for small island nations and
A. low-lying urban areas.
H. all costal cities.
C people who live on the beach.
3. What happens when the ocean's temperature rises?
A. ht causes sea levels to rise.
B. It causes sea levels to remain constant.
C. It causes sea levels to decresse.
4. What was the main finding of the study?
A not enough is being done about global warming.
B, ocean waters have warmed faster than scientists had previously thought.
C. the warming of the world's oceans is not a threat.
5. The new study,
A. shows that thermal warming contributed to a 0.32 millimeter-per-year rise in sea levels.
B. did not reveal anything that scientists didn't already know.
C. used new techniques to assess ocean temperatures.
L. Rewrite the sentences, using perfect gerunds.
1. Nam won a scholarship. We are excited about that fact.
We are
2. Entering the room, I was surprised at what I saw.
3. The volunteers couldn't mow the old lady's lawns because of the main.
The rain prevented
4. Since we have become too dependent on the use of electricity, we have to find alternative sources of energy
before fossil fuels run out.
5. Tonya had dumped a lot of rubbish on the beach. She was strongly criticised for that.
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