Lê Thanh Hải | Chat Online
03/01/2023 14:20:04

Trả lời các câu hỏi sau

Conversation 1:
1. How was Jo's vacation?
2. What did Jo do first?
3. How were officers in the tourist office?
4. Where did she visit on the second day?
5. Were there beautiful paintings and sculptures in city's gallery?
6. When did she visited the city's art gallery?
7. What was wrong with her in the commercial district?
8. How did she feel on the last day?
9. What did she do on the last day?
Conversation 2:
1. How do Elena feel about the party preparations?
2. What is the most difficult thing?
3. What happened to Bruno this morning?
4. What was wrong with Caroline's head?
5. What will Isaac do for Elena?
6. Who can take responsibility for the fruit salad?
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