Thùy Linh | Chat Online
15/01/2023 09:38:52

Điền vào chỗ trống

Giúp mk với ạ
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Ben brother
2 Erin
3 Lucy
4 Mike
6 Lucy and Mike
6 Bill
7 Betty and Frank
8 Clara
9 Mark
10 Alfie, Charlie and Katie
week we want you to tell
us all about your family!
I'm Joe and I'm twelve
years old. I've got one
brother and one sister.
My brother is fourteen
and his name's Ben and my
sister is ten and her name's Erin. My sister is
very annoying! My mum and dad are Lucy and
Mike. They're 40.
My grandmother Betty and grandfather Frank
are my mum's parents. They're both 88 and
they're Irish. They've got a house in Ireland. It's
enormous and we go there in the summer. Bill is
my dad's dad and he's 84. He's very funny.
My dad hasn't got any brothers or sisters but my
mum's got a sister called Clara. Clara's husband
is Mark. Clara's my aunt and Mark's my uncle.
They've got three children. They're my cousins
and their names are Alfie. Charlie and Katie.
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