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18/02/2023 17:12:55

Đọc đoạn văn và điền từ thích hợp

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
In the USA, further education generally refers to education undertaken by adults of all ages after leaving
at college or university directly after
full-time study. It doesn't include degree courses (1)_
leaving high school, which come under (2)_
Further education includes everything from basic reading and writing skills for the illiterate to full-time
professional and doctorate degrees at university. On many university (3)
students are enrolled in further education courses than in (4)
degree programmes.
Often adult education students don't need to be high school or degree graduates or take any tests or
on a first-come, first served basis. A high school
for some courses, although General Educational Development (GED) tests
a high school equivalency diploma.
allow students to (7).
Adult education courses may be full-time or part-time and are provided by two and four-year colleges,
universities, community colleges, (8),
schools, and elementary and high schools. Courses
are also provided by private community organizations, government (9)
centres. More and more adult education programmes are becoming (10)
including courses which offer university or continuing education credits for completion.
and job training
on the Internet,
interviews, and they're generally (5)
diploma is (6)
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