luc lac bo | Chat Online
22/02/2023 19:29:53

Chọn đáp án đúng

giúp tớ vssssssssssssssssss
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
5. Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction because the
environment they are living in has ....
A. destroyed
B. changed
6. Man is killing
fur, skin, horn, tooth and meat.
D. off
A. up
C. in
B. on
7. National parks should be set up as reservation for wild animals.
A. preservation
C. tranformed D. influenced
…...........species at the rate of one a year just for getting
B. preserve
C. protection D. safe-guarding
8. Human population explosion has deprived most wildlife of their
D. space
A. place
B. area
C. position
9. It is very difficult for wildlife to survive because of the rapid global
environmental deterioration.
B. destruction
D. influence
becomes extinct, the whole chain will be damaged
A. change
C. the state of becoming worse
10. If one
A. animal
B. wildlife C. creature
D. species
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