Chi Nguyễn Khánh | Chat Online
27/02/2023 19:48:07

Change the sentences into the reported speech

V. Change the sentences into the reported speech.

1. “We have moved into our new flat. We don’t like it nearly so much as our last one,” said my aunt.

2. “It isn’t so foggy today as it was yesterday,” he remarked.

3. “I couldn’t get into the house because I had lost my key, so I had to break a window,” he said.

4. “It’s time we began training for our next match,” the coach said to them.

5. “I wrote to him the day before yesterday. I wonder why he hasn’t rung up,” she said.

6. “My wife wants to take a job but I’d rather she concentrated on our home,” he said.

7. “I wish you’d seen it,” I said to her.

8. “I don’t know what your father will say when he sees what a mess your puppies have made of this five-pound note,”

9. “Nothing grows in my garden. It never gets any sun,” she said.

10. “My father forbids me to see this man again,” she said to me.

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