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18/03/2023 16:30:37

Tom ___ eat so many lollipops. It’s bad for his teeth

1. Tom _______________ eat so many lollipops. It’s bad for his teeth.

2. He’s fifteen. He _______________ drive a car.

3. Pregnant women _______________ smoke as it can damage the baby.

4. We _______________ go somewhere exciting for our holiday.

5. People _______________ drive fast in the town centre.

6. You __________ask the teacher for help you if you don’t understand the lesson.

7. _______________ I buy the dress or the skirt?

8. She _______________ tell lies.

9. That’s a fantastic book. You _______________ read it.

10. The doctor said: “You _______________ eat healthy food. You _______________ eat fast food. You _______________ watch so much TV. You _______________ walk 1 hour a day. You _______________ drink fruit juice and water. You _______________ drink wine or beer.

11. You _______________ be so selfish.

12. I don’t think you _______________smoke so much.

13. You _______________ exercise more.

14. I think you _______________ try to speak to her.

15. You are overweight. You _______________ go on a diet.

16. Where _______________ we park our car?

17. You _______________ never speak to your mother like this.

18. The kids _______________ spend so much time in front of the TV.

19. _______________ I tell her the truth or should I say nothing?

20. I think we _______________ reserve our holiday in advance.

II. Use “can/can’t” to fill in the blanks to complete the sentences.

1. I (can/ can’t) speak French. I picked it up while I was in France.

2. I (can/ can’t) come to the party. I am really busy.

3. We (can/ can’t) hear you. The music is so loud.

4. Where are my keys? I (can/ can’t) find them.

5. I (can/ can’t) believe it. We won two million dollars.

6. We (can/ can’t) meet tomorrow if you want.

7. (Can/ Can’t) you make me a cup of tea, please?

8. He (can/ can’t) jump. His leg hurts so much.

9. Illiterate people (can/ can’t) read and write.

10. Fish (can/ can’t) swim.

11. (Can/can’t) you swim? - Yes, I (can/can’t)

12. I’m sorry I (can/can’t) help you today, I’m really busy.

13. Please (can/can’t) you buy some milk on your way home? - I (can/can’t) leave the house because I’m looking after the baby.

14. I (can/can’t) ride a bike but I (can/can’t) drive a car.

15. I just (can/can’t) manage to wake up on time, I’m always late.

16. Hello, (can/can’t) I help you? - Actually, no you (can/can’t). This restaurant is awful and we’ve been waiting here for half an hour. We’re leaving.

17. I have a special talent, I (can/can’t) touch my nose with my tongue (can/can’t) you?

18. (Can/Can’t) I go to the bathroom please?- Yes, of course you (can/can’t).

19. Look! It’s right there! (Can/Can’t) you see it? It’s so obvious!

20. I’ve never been able to eat breakfast in the mornings. I (can/can’t) talk to anyone either!

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