Ngoc Anh Nguyễn | Chat Online
09/04/2023 16:19:24

Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D for each of the gaps to complete the following text

VII. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D for each of the gaps to complete the following text. after a
When life changes so fast, the family life will change, too. So what will a family be (1)
hundred years? We can't have the correct answers. Parents will have (2)_
their child's hair or eye colour. The mother will be busy but she will get help (633_
robots. When the family go out together, they will travel on flying cars. These
babies. They can even choose
some friendly house
will be no traffic jams (4)_
cars will be much faster and there
each flying car can have its own way. There will be love and (5)____
between the family members.
B. like
B. healthiest
B. of
B. because
B. careful
1. A. enjoy
A. healthier
3. A. with
4. A. so
5. A. care
C. as
C. health
C. at
C. although
C. careless
D. so
D. healthful
D. from
D. but
D. carefully
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