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10/04/2023 22:37:44

How different are these places and animals

How different are these places and animals? Use a bit, a little, much,
far or a lot and the word in brackets as a comparative adjective to
write one complete sentence for 1-5.
1 George is 2 metres tall. Fred is 1.98 metres tall. (tall)
George is a bit taller than Fred..
2 Mount Everest, in the Himalayas, is around 8,850 metres high. K2, also
in the Himalayas, is around 8,611 metres high. (high)
3 Arica, Chile, gets 0.76 mm of rain per year. Death Valley in Arizona,
USA, gets less than 50 mm per year. (dry)
4 84 million people travel through Atlanta International Airport, USA
each year. 67 million travel through London's Heathrow Airport.
5 The sperm whale's brain weighs about 78 kg. A human adult's brain
weighs about 13 kg. (heavy)
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