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17/04/2023 22:12:31

.Read this passage carefully, then choose the correct answers. T

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
5. A. narrow
B. short
VII.Read this passage carefully, then choose the correct answers.
Tokyo is the capital of Japan. In Tokyo, there are always too many people in the place where
you want to come.
C. to
C. long
People are very polite even when they often spend a long time on traffic jams. Tokyo is
different from London when you want to walk to a place.
During the day, most people travel to work by train. Tokyo people buy six million train tickets
every day. Although they are usually crowded, Japanese trains are very good. They always leave
and arrive on time. On a London train, everybody in a seat seems to be asleep whether the journey
is long or short.
A. it has a larger population
C. it is more difficult to walk to somewhere
The worst time to be in the street at night is about 11.30 when the nightclubs are closing and
everybody wants to go home.
1. Tokyo is different from London because
A. When the ghtclubs are closing.
C. When the trains are full.
2. When does the writer think the worst time to go into the street?
B. At 8.00 am.
D. At 11.30 am
D. with
D. wide
3. What does the writer think of Japanese trains?
A. They are very nice and comfortable.
C. They often run late.
4. In London trains, every British in a seat
B. it is a noisy city
D. its people are friendly and more polite
B. There are not enough trains.
D. They leave and arrive on time.
B. looks like being asleep
D. looks out of the window.
A. reads a newspaper
C. talks with other people
5. Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Most people in Tokyo travel to work by train.
B. It is very difficult to go around in Tokyo.
C. When Japanese people are on traffic jams, they are not polite.
D. Trains in Tokyo are very good - they always leave and arrive on time.
chăm chỉ thì bạn sẽ va
kỳ thi nếu bạn học tập t
chỉ xảy ra ở hiện tại h
chúng ta sẽ đến cô
t giữa hai đối t
Đi lớn hơn.
nữ cảnh ri
er (tha
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