Trọng Đạii | Chat Online
02/05/2023 21:40:05

Trả lời câu hỏi sau

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
There are many solutions to air pollution. Firstly, we should use electric vehicles or public
transport instead of travelling by private cars or motobikes. (This helps reduce harmful gas
emissions). Secondly, we should stop burning forests because the forests are considered
as green lungs of the earth. Finally, we should recycle paper, plastics and wood products.
We put recycling bins in every classroom to collect disused things. In sum, we need to take
urgent action to protect the environment.
1. What are some causes of air pollution?
There are many causes of air pollution such as forest fires, burning fossil fuels, industrial
emissions, burning garbage
2. What should you do to make your school a green one?
To make our school greener, we should plant more trees, recycle paper plastics and wood
products, put the rubbish in the right bins. We should not litter in the schoolyard, shouldn't
waste electricity and water
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