Jay | Chat Online
10/05/2023 19:19:16

Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning. Use the given word(s) if any

Làm giúp mình
Bài A câu2,5,7
bài B câu 2 ,4,5,6
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
on/a/ Excuse me/ near/ there/ here? Excuse me, Ital
or is/protect/ Recycling/ the best/ the environment/ ways to.
3. the shopping mall/ The police/ next to/station/is/ The policestion to the shopping .
4. The highest/ Ho Chi Minh city / Landmark 81/ is/ building/ in/. The highest building in HCM cyl
5. on/ a new movie/ at/ There/ is/ the theater/ March 6th. There is
6. watch/ you/ Did/ the movie/ wild/about/ night/ animals/ last/? Dcyou watch themouse about wild.
animal last
7. Vietnamese astronaut/ Phạm Tuân/ to go/became/ to space/ the first/..
8. the cooking/will/An automatic/ for you/ food machine/do/. An automatic will do the cooking pr
9. have money/ you/ What / if you/ visit/ will/? What will.
I you visit if you have money
10. singers/ the/of/popular/in/ Justin/ the most/is/world/ one/. Justin is a one-of the most
B. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning. Use the given word(s) if any.
1. Do you want to take part in our school's cleanup?
chool's deanup
→ Would ....you......ant iontalc pa.......
2. The police station is to the left of the movie theater.
→ The movie ...................…....
3. The story was really exciting.
→ It was
the police station...
4. Having a trip to Sapa at this time of year is wonderful.
→ It is ........
5. It's possible that we will have robot pets in the future.
→ We might ..............
6. Maybe people will be able to live on Mars.
→People.mabe.. will...he apt able to live on..Mass.
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