Đặng Đình Dũng | Chat Online
27/05/2023 16:47:45

Make sentences using the words given in brackets. Do not change the given words

make sentences using the words given in brackets. Do not change the given words.
16. Sorry, could you repeat that? (SAY)

Sorry, could you

17. Which cartoon do you like better? (PREFER)

Which cartoon......

18. Why don't we visit local buildings? (SUGGEST)

19. The lake is to the right of her house and the hospital is to the left of her house. (BETWEEN)

Her house...to 20. The English book is 50.000 dong. The Vietnamese book is 20.000 dong (CHEAP)

-The Vietnamese book is 21. The cinema is at the side of the arcade. (NEXT )

22. We think a few people will live in houses under the sea. (UNDERWATER)

1 We think

23. Next to my house there is a bookshop. (BESIDE)

There is...

24. I am going to the movie theater with my sister tonight. (ARE)

-I and my sister

25. You can offer to help or give money. (DONATE)

You can

nhanh giup to voi a tp dang can gap
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