qhuongw | Chat Online
05/06/2023 20:55:21

Read the passage and answer the questions

VIII. Read the passage and answer the questions

   Most types of paper can be recycled. Newspapers have been recycled profitably for decades and recycling of other paper is growing. It’s important to know what you are buying in a paper product, for that reason virtually all paper products should be marked with the percentage and type of recycled content. Just saying “recycle paper” isn’t enough. “Recycled paper” can mean anything from 100% true recycled paper to 1% re- manufactured ends of large paper rolls. “Post- consumer” means the paper that you and I return to recycling centers.

  • Questions:

1.     Can newspapers be recycled?


2.     Why should all paper products be marked with the percentage and tupe of?


3.     Are all recycled paper products the same?


4.     What does “Post- consumer” mean?


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