Dang Hai | Chat Online
29/07/2023 12:51:20

Chọn đáp án đúng nhất

In spite of the fact that foreigners are always grumbling about English cooking, it's (41)..... whether their (42)..... complaints are justifiable. It can be argued that this stream of criticism tends to be based on rather (43) experience and that the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Owing to the fact that these people are (44) ....... to be short of money, they seek out the more (45) ....... restaurants rather than (46).. establishments. If your sole experience of English cooking is (47) ..... to eating fish and chips, the (48) of your leaving the country with a (49). impression is (50).....

41. A. debates


B. debate


C. debatable


D. debated


42. A. continuous


B. continual


C. continue


D. continuation


43. A. limited


B. limits


C. limit


D. limiting


44. A. inclining


B. inclines


C. incline


D. inclined


45. A. economic


B. economical


C. economy


D. economize


46. A. renown


B. renowned


C. renowns


D. renowning


47. A. confine


B. confined


C. confines


D. confining


48. A. likelihood


B. likeliness


C. liking


D. likeness


49. A. Favourable


B. favours


C. favoured


D. favourably


50. A. minimized


B. minimum


C. minimal


D. minimize

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