PhƯơNg AnH PhẠm | Chat Online
02/08/2023 20:49:00

Chọn đáp án phù hợp

bài tập về các cụm động từ
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
+1: Witar doer "www"
D. point
for? Is it shon for world wide web
42 Uyus do not understand the word "perstitious," took it up in the dictionary
B. stand
C. The
A. lind its meaning
D. mote it
B write it
45 Not all women can do to jobs well at the same time wearing childrest and surking at offis
A educating
B. taking care of
46. The driver sidded and
A. Fat
47. Aren't you going to
A, try/X
B. bry/up
+8 I'm say, sir. But you've already worn this dress. That's why we can't t
A. uke back
13. take after
50 The explocers made a fire to
A get
57. 11 socieding urgent has
a dog
B. ran into
the dress
49. Are you telling the truth? Or are you
A, making
50. It took women a long time to struggle
A. faz
the public life
51. Wonten pre increasingly involved
B. with
A of
52 Although the team was both mentally and physically ashoustal, they
A stepped
C. wh
C. took
B kept
33 If you don't pay your int, your landlord is going to kick am out!
A lend you some money
54. Everything is
B. play football with you
you. I cannot make
my mind yet
B. up to/up
must have eaten it
A. out off/on
55. There is no tisod left. Someone
B. op
off wild animals
A picked
58. The organization was established
A. use up
62. I am tired because I went to hed
before you buy it?
the story
B. making up
late last night
B. kept off
61. He did nos particularly want to play any competitive sport.
B do with
Crean sher
the right to vote.
A stayed up
63. If I get this report finished I will knock
A up
away all your toys and go to bed right now.
B. Lie
65. I have been trying to ring him up all day and I could nick
64 Boy!
A Came
8, take
C making for
A. get
66. The water supply of the building wis
A. handed
B. held
67. Did your son pass the university entrance examination
A make up
B.get along
B. keep
up, phone me immediately and I will help you
B. come
in 950 in the USA
B. set up
made ous
L. put uts
A come around
59 Within their home country. National Red Cross und Red Crescent societies as the
responsibilities of a national relief sociens
B. get off
D. put in
ou. It took me a very long time to reanver from the shock of her death
A fur off
H. take on
D koop top with
give you s Lick
Dan over
C. Bo about
off because the pipes burst
D. take again
an walking
D. pul
Caway from/foron for all
D. along
D. upon
D. from
take up
C. put out
early and go to the pub for some drink
D doing
D. brought
D off
D. bing
D. pod
D get through
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