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06/08/2023 20:16:47

Read the passage and choose the best answer

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
E. Read the passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to each of the questions below.
When will you leave for Hano? D. How?
Baking is one of my favourite hobbies. Baking allows me to be creative and hard-working. First, I can follow
the recipe exactly as written, or I can change the recipe by adding new ingredients. The second reason
why I like baking is because the entire process of baking brings me a lot of fun. I love to go to the grocery is
shop for ingredients, and then combine them all together to make a product that many people enjcy Being
able to share things that bake is another reason why I love this hobby. Many of my friends look forward to
the lasty treat that I share with them. These are just a few of the reasons why I am fond of baking.
41. it is obvious in the passage that
A. The author loves baking for many reasons.
B. The author kes baking because she likes eating delicious food.
C. Baking is one kind of kitchen arts.
D. The author enjoya baking because she wants to be a chef.
42. Why does the author love baking?
A. She can change the recipe by adding new ingredients.
B. She likes going to the grocery for buying ingredients and combining them to make a new product.
C. She wants to share delicious meals with her friends
D.A. B and C.
43. The word 'ingredients' in the passage means
A. cooking activities
C. cooking interest
44. Which statement is NOT true?
B. cooking utensils
D. components of a mixture in cooking
A. The author becomes creative and lazy with baking.
B. The author likes shopping for ingredients.
C. The author loves sharing good meals with her friends.
D. The author finds baking interesting and funny.
45. We understand from the passage that
A. The author loves baking, but she doesn't like doing other activities.
B. The author not only loves baking but also enjoys painting.
C. The author not only loves baking but also enjoys paniting.
D. Baking is one of the author's hobbies
F. Read the text and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) that best fits each gap.
John Flynn was (46).
in Australia in 1880. He studied hard and became a
doctor. In 1911 he left the city of Melbourne to work in South Australia for a church. The church wanted to
help the sheep farmers who lived in the (47).
They built many small hospitals and found
in all South Australia. One
nurses to work in them. But at that time there were only two (48)
by car, horse and on
day, a farmer was too ill, but the doctor lived far and he had to (49)
foot to help the farmer. When the doctor arrived, the farmer was already dead because it took the doctor
could really help people in the
several days to come to cure the patient. Flynn saw that (50)
countryside. He wrote about his idea for a 'Flying Doctor in 1917. By 1930s, there was a Flying Doctor in
every part of Australia.
46. A. live
47. A city
48 A policemen
49. A swim
50. A buses
(Adapted from Objective KET by Capel & Sharp (2005), pp. 114-115, Cambridge University
B. bor
C. stay
D. arrive
B. town
D. sea
B. farmers
D. doctors
B. travel
D. walk
B. taxi
D. boats
C. countryside
C. patients
C. ride
C. planes
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