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07/08/2023 10:09:55

Điền từ thích hợp

Country style homes (1)__________ mostly likely an update of the popular “Colonial style”. The colonial home (2)_________ – you guessed it – influenced by 18th (3)___________colonists bringing European styles with them. They’re probably (4)______________ recognizable for featuring two windows (5)___________ either side of the front door and five windows on top (6)__________ the middle window directly above the door. Country houses aspire to be warm (7)____________ inviting. They generally have wide porches, shutters, dormers, and wood detailing, according (8)_____________ Snider.
1. A. to be​B. am​C. is​D. are
2. A. am​B. is​C. are​D. be
3. A. month​B. year​C. decade​D. century
4. A. most​B. more​C. least​D. little
5. A. at​B. in​C. on​D. with
6. A. with​B. from​C. to​D. among
7. A. either​B. neither​C. and​D. or
8. A. over​B. to​C. with​D. at

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