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10/08/2023 19:59:54

Read the passage and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each question

I. Read the passage and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each question.
in a
physics teacher. He's (2)
Tony is my best friend. He is (1)
secondary school in Scotland. Every morning he (3)
breakfast and a glass of milk. Then he leaves (5)
his home, so he can't (6)
at 6 o'clock, (4)
work. The school is far from
there. He must go by bus. He has lunch at a (7)
until 5 o'clock and then he goes home. He
Sundays. He goes to the cinema or museum. He is married and
nearby. In the afternoon he (8)
doesn't work (9)
he (10)
a son. He loves his family. They are very happy.
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