thanh theo | Chat Online
20/08/2023 19:41:14

Trong các câu sau đây câu nào là câu bị động? Em hãy cho biết các câu bị động đó là ở thì nào?

Test 3 Passive voice
. Trong các câu sau đây câu nào là câu bị động? Em hãy cho biết các câu bị động đó là ở thì nào?
English is spoken all over the world. 10. He has been interviewed by the police.
2. They didn't give me the book.
3. Have you been shown how to do this
11. They invited me to the party yesterday.
12. The car has just been stolen.
13. The room was being cleaned when I arrived.
14. I think someone has taken my hat.
15. You should not touch this button.
16. The homework must be done by us
17. They were writing the letter.
18. My mother was given a new bicycle by my
4. She is washing the car.
5. We eat bananas every day.
6. Tom wrote a letter last night.
7. I was given a gift yesterday.
8. A bridge is being built.
9. The door is bei
II. Put a tick next to the sentence that has the same meaning as the original one:
1.These young people always wear jeans.
A. Jeans are always worn by these young people.
2. A falling tree injured several people.
A. Several people were injured by a falling tree.
3.They are fixing the machine.
A.A machine is being fixed.
4.The man was delivering the mail.
A. The mail was being delivered by the man.
5.They speak French in Quebec.
A. French was spoken by them.
We will appreciate your assistance.
B. Jeans were always worn by these young people.
B. Several people are injured by a falling tree.
B. A machine is fixed.
B. The mail is being delivered by the man.
B. French is spoken in Quebec.
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