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26/08/2023 16:32:02

Complete the sentences with the words from the box

3. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
plasters backpack suncream sleeping bag walking boots
bottled water compass
waterproof coats
at the campsite because there
1. We need to sleep in our
isn't a hotel.
4. Ineeda.
I am sleeping in a.
We must bring
5. Have you got any.
Don'tshine your.
7. You should put.
effects of the sun.
because it is cold outside.
out in the rain.
because we'll be thirsty
because I carry a lot of things.
? I've cut my finger.
straight into my eyes!
on your skin to protect it from the harmful
8. We are going hiking this weekend, so I need a new pair of.
9. A
shows you which direction is north.
will keep you safe and dry, whether you're spending a day
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