Nguyên Thùy Dương | Chat Online
05/10/2023 21:35:05

Add "is, are, a, an, some, any" to make a correct sentence

Il. Add "is, are, a, an, some, any" to make a correct sentence.
There/pencil/in/ the/ box. There is a pencil in the box.
1. There/book/ on/ the table.
2. There/ shoes/ under/ the chair.
3. There/ not/ TV/ in/ his room.
There/ not/ pens/ on/ my desk.
5. There/ boy/ behind/ that tree.
III. Put the words or phrases in the correct columns. Some words have more than one answer.
your bag
the shelves
my desk
the fridge
the wall
a party
my bedroom
the floor
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