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07/10/2023 18:06:19

Complete the sentences using should + verb

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Unit 2
Lớp 11B1
1.1. Modal Verbs (NB-
Đã trả lời 30/34
35 - الله الله
Complete the sentences using should + verb.
Choose from:
Phần 4: câu 6/6 ©
ask be be done leave say vote worry
1. It's strange that he should be late. He's usually on time.
2. It's funny that you should that. I was thinking the
same thing.
3. It's only natural that parents should about their
4. Isn't it typical of Joe that he should without saying
goodbye to anybody?
5. I was surprised that they should me for advice.
What advice could I give them?
6. This is a democratic election, and it's important that
you should
7. The bridge needs to be repaired. It's essential that the
work should as soon as possible.
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