chris đỗ | Chat Online
21/10/2023 10:15:35

Combine the two sentences in each pair to make a new complex sentence containing a relative clause in the subject/object pattern

Combine the two sentences in each pair to make a new complex sentence containing a relative clause in the subject/object pattern:
 4-Last night the senior class enjoyed themselves at a dance. It was given in their honor.
5-The scientists carried out the third test with herbs and spices. People commonly use them today.
6-Governments must acknowledge the fact that drug addition is not a crime but a disease. We can apply the term ‘disease’ to any change in heath that produces marked symptoms and illness.
7-A demand growing with shared task is called division of labor. In this division one worker handled the first stage, another the second and the third finished the product.
8-Fen noted a common series of stages. Through it the product develops.
9-New Year’s Day is a very important event. Everybody is waiting for it to return home and gather together.
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