Duy Khánh | Chat Online
07/11/2023 09:59:19

Me as the sentence printed before it. sentences, beginning with the given words or as dir 1. People eat 40 million hamburgers every day. (Using PASSIVE VOICE) 40 million laten ham bell gee every day. - 2. When did they translate ..

me as the sentence printed before it.
sentences, beginning with the given words or as dir
1. People eat 40 million hamburgers every day. (Using PASSIVE VOICE)
40 million laten ham bell gee every day.
2. When did they translate this book into English? (Using PASSIVE VOICE)
anslated this book into...!
When was
3. Mark felt a little nervous on a horse. He would never admit it. Using BUT in con
→Mark felt atled nesous ona haus
suolbaevas. ad m...
(Using LET)
6. They arrived home late.
(Using verb of perceptio
→He saw...
(Using verb of perceptio
7. The animal moved towards me, I felt it.
→ I felt
move towards me. I fetil...
8. She is so young. She can't understand this movie. (Using TOO........TO)
She is.........
4. They are going to buy a new car.
→ A new car.......
They ht
5. My mother allows me to go shopping with her.
My mother
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