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03/12/2023 22:03:14

Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others?

I.        Pronunciation (1-4)

Câu 1. Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others?

     A. play                                B. barbecue                       C. always                            D. face

Câu 2. Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others?

     A. April                                                                            B. celebration

     C. parade                                                                        D. Brasilia

Câu 3. Which word has a different stress pattern from that of the others?

     A. parade                           B. London                          C. music                             D. costume

Câu 4. Which word has a different stress pattern from that of the others?

     A. daughter                       B. relax                               C. parent                            D. celebrate

II.       Choose the answer (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each question. (5-14)

Câu 5. She is __________ to be a doctor when she grows up.

     A. wanting                         B. hoping                           C. wishing                          D. willing

Câu 6. The teacher __________ the students to study hard for the exam.

     A. criticizes                                                                     B. discourages

     C. encourages                                                                D. ignores

Câu 7. The __________ of the movie was really unexpected.

     A. soundtrack                                                                B. director

     C. plot                                                                             D. cast

Câu 8. I don't like to __________ my bed in the morning.

     A. make                              B. wash                              C. clean                              D. cook

Câu 9. The __________ is the highest mountain in the world.

     A. Alps                                                                            B. Everest

     C. Fuji                                                                              D. Kilimanjaro

Câu 10. The __________ of the shirt is too tight for me.

     A. material                         B. design                           C. size                                 D. colour

Câu 11. He is always __________ to help others.

     A. hesitant                         B. willing                            C. reluctant                        D. unwilling

Câu 12. I need to __________ a doctor for my sore throat.

     A. call                                 B. text                                 C. visit                                D. email

Câu 13. My friend is __________ in learning a new language.

     A. disinterested                                                             B. interested

     C. uninterested                                                              D. interesting

Câu 14. The __________ of the cake is delicious.

     A. taste                              B. colour                            C. texture                           D. smell

III.      Look at the signs. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D). (15-16)

Câu 15.

What is true about this notice?

<!--[if gte vml 1]> <!--[endif]-->

     A. There will be new store hours starting June 14th

     B. The new store hours will be Mon-Sat from 10 AM to 6 PM and Sun from 9 AM to 7 PM

     C. The store will be closed on June 14th

     D. The notice is about office renovations

Câu 16.

What is true about this notice?

<!--[if gte vml 1]> <!--[endif]-->

     A. The maintenance will take place on June 14th

     B. The elevator will be in service during the maintenance period

     C. The notice is about road repairs and maintenance

     D. Elevator maintenance will take place on June 9th from 9 AM to 12 PM

IV.      Read the following passage and do as direct. (17-22)

Da Lat is a hill station city located high in the Langbiang Plateau of the Central Highlands region of Vietnam. The cool climate makes it an ideal year round destination with temperatures between 15 and 25 degrees Celsius. Da Lat is picturesque with lush pine forests and vegetable farms covering the hills. It is nicknamed the City of Eternal Spring because of its pleasant weather and profusion of flowers that bloom throughout the year. There are many attractions to visit such as Vienghol Lake, Langbiang Mountain and Valley of Love as well as activities like hiking, cycling and horse riding. Da Lat's markets sell fresh produce and local handicrafts.

Câu 17. Da Lat has a cool climate all year round.

     A. True                               B. False

Câu 18. Da Lat is located on the coast.

     A. False                              B. True

Câu 19. Activities include cycling and horse riding.

     A. False                              B. True

Câu 20. The temperature in Da Lat ranges from 5-15°C.

     A. False                              B. True

Câu 21. What is Da Lat nicknamed?

     A. The City of Eternal Summer                                    B. The City of Lights

     C. The City of Love                                                        D. The City of Eternal Spring

Câu 22. Which of the following activities can visitors enjoy in Da Lat?

     A. Hiking, cycling, and horse riding                           B. Snowboarding and skiing

     C. Scuba diving and snorkelling                                 D. Surfing and sunbathing

V.       Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage. (23-28)

There ____23___ plenty of fun facts about students in the USA! For ____24___, did you know that the most popular major for college students in the US is health professions? Another interesting fact is that Harvard University, founded ___25____ 1636, is the oldest institution of higher education in the country. Additionally, the University of Pennsylvania was the ____26___ university in the United States to offer a degree in business. Students in the US are also ____27___ for their love of pizza - they eat approximately 350 slices of pizza per second! ___28____, Stanford University has produced the most billionaires of any university in the world. These are just a few fun facts about students in the USA!

Câu 23. There ___ plenty of fun facts about students in the USA!

     A. is                                    B. were                               C. are                                  D. was

Câu 24. For ___, did you know that the most popular major for college students in the US is health professions?

     A. example                        B. case                                C. them                              D. purpose

Câu 25. Another interesting fact is that Harvard University, founded ___ 1636, is the oldest institution of higher education in the country.

     A. in                                    B. by                                   C. at                                    D. on

Câu 26. Additionally, the University of Pennsylvania was the ___ university in the United States to offer a degree in business.

     A. first                                B. second                           C. third                               D. fourth

Câu 27. Students in the US are also ___ for their love of pizza - they eat approximately 350 slices of pizza per second!

     A. notorious                      B. infamous                       C. known                            D. unpopular

Câu 28. ___, Stanford University has produced the most billionaires of any university in the world.

     A. Moreover                      B. However                        C. Finally                            D. Therefore

VI.      Supply the correct form of the word given in each sentence. (29-34)

Câu 29. The children should be careful, that road is __________[danger].

Câu 30. Beijing is a very __________ [population] city.

Câu 31. The subway is a convenient form of __________ [transport] in the city.

Câu 32. The party was a very fun __________ [celebrate].

Câu 33. Students need time to __________ [relaxation] and recharge between study sessions.

Câu 34. The teacher helped the students __________ [organization] the event.

VII.     Rearrange the groups of words in a correct order to make complete sentences. (35-36)

Câu 35. The students / sentences / write / board. / on the

Câu 36. explains / new grammar / The teacher / rules.

VIII.    Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same as the sentence printed before it. (37-40)

Câu 37. He likes this book best.

This is …

Câu 38. I have a desktop and a bookcase in my bedroom.

There is …

Câu 39. There are three ceiling fans in our classroom.

Our classroom has …

Câu 40. My new school has lots of students.

There are …




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