mco hdoam | Chat Online
12/12/2023 20:19:34

It is compulsory for you to explain the reason for this problem

30. It is compulsory for you to explain the reason for this problem.
for this problem.
→ You
31. Let's go to the cinema tonight.
→ What about
32. Bill plays the violin very well. He can win the competition.
→ Bill plays the violin
33. Stella is short. She can't be a model.
→ Stella is too Sart to be
34. I run faster than Laura.
→ Laura doesn't run fast as mu
35. I've never seen such a nice dress.
It's the
36. There is a small amount of tea in the pot.
→ There is a
37. You are not allowed to take photos in the museum.
→ You
38. How about getting a part-time job?
→ Why don't you
39. Chris was in the middle of vacuuming when Fiona arrived.
→ Fiona arrived while
40. This is the most exciting film I've ever watched.
→ This film is
the competition.
a model.
ever seen.
in the museum.
any other films I've ever watched./.
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