Vũ Ngọc Dương Linh | Chat Online
02/11/2018 21:03:22

My/ brother/ i/ go/ see/ football match/ between/ Eagles/ Hawks team/ last night/

16 phút trước (21:18)
2) write the meaningfuk sentences by using the suggested words anf phrases
1. my/brother/i/go/see/football match/between /Eagles/Hawks team / last night/.
2.my /brother/always/say/Eagles/be/fast/,/strong/,/and/smart/than/Hawks/.
3.the Hawks/play /a lot /good / than /Eagles
4.one thing /i/not/like/be/that/goalkeeper of Hawks/be/not/as/active/as/goalkeeper/Eagles/.
6.driving home/,/i/be/excite/because/my team/be.better than/the/Eagles team/./
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