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20/12/2023 19:54:56

Read the following passage and mark the letter A; B; C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word, or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks

Câu 23,24,25 nhé
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
What causes the generation gap?
'Generation gap' is a popular term used to describe the differences between generations. The young and the
old do not understand each other well because of their (21) hexperiences, opinions, habits, and
behaviour. That is why parents often try to (22) their children from doing things that they believe would
harm them.
On the other hand, children do their best to (23)
that they are responsible and can take control of their
own lives. Neither parents nor children are wrong. They are both right in their own (24)
blinded by their love for their children, would rather have their own experiences replace the experiences of
their kids.
that their decisions are right and are based on current
In contrast, their children are completely (25)
situations that their parents may not be aware of.
Question 21. A different (adj) B. difficult
Question 22. A. present
Question 23. A. send
Question 24. A. road
B. encourage
B. way
B. safe
Question 25. A. decided
Reading comprehension
C. similar
C. encourage
C. improve
C. street
C. sure
D. unexpected
D. increase
D. prove
D. place
D. unsure
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