bác sĩ toán học white | Chat Online
20/12/2023 21:03:59

Read the passage and do the task as directed

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
II. Read the passage and do the task as directed (1.6p)
New Year is one of the four important traditional festivals in the United States. On New Year's Eve,
most people go to parties. At twelve o'clock at night, everyone says "Happy New Year!" and they wish their
friends and relatives good luck. New Year's parties usually last a long time. Some people don't go home
until morning.
Another holiday, Halloween is mainly for children. On this holiday children dress as witches, ghosts
or other characters. Most of the children go from house to house and say "Trick or Treat". If people at the
house do not give them candy, the children will play a trick on them. But this rarely happens. Most people
give them candy or fruit.
Answer the questions (1.2p)
1. When do most people go to parties?
2. What does everyone say at twelve o'clock at night?
Do people wish their friends and relatives good luck?
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