Tuyền Lê Thị Kim | Chat Online
17/01/2024 09:19:40

Look at the picture and complete the description below, using the words in the box

1 Look at the picture and complete the description below, using the words in the box above, between, on top of, over, side by side, below, opposite, in the corner 

This is a picture of an antique shop window. It has a carpet (a)        on the floor. There's a round table (b)          in the corner with a kind of box (c)        it. On the wall(d)          it, there's a painting, and (e)       on     the other wall, there's a pair of mirrors hanging There's a chair (g) mirrors. The chair has a cloth (h)           it. A chest of drawers stands (I)          the chair and the table. 
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