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21/01 07:52:08

Read the text. Circle the best answers

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
a. Read the text. Circle the best answers.
World Wildlife Fund
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is an international charity with a giant
panda as its logo. It aims to protect all wild animals worldwide.
November 23, 1961 marks the beginning of the WWF in Switzerland. It
WWF now works in more than 90 countries worldwide, including Vietnam.
The WWF believes it is wrong to destroy animals' homes, keep them as pets,
or kill them for food, so it wants to stop this. It runs more than 1,200 projects
to save wild animals and protect rivers, oceans, and forests every year.
There are a lot of activities in each project, such as cleaning beaches, planting trees,
and taking care of animals. After more than 60 years, the WWF has helped save many
animal species, stopped people from throwing trash on the streets, and made many
rivers clean again.
In Vietnam, the WWF has offices in Phú Quốc, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. If you would
like to help the WWF, you can visit its offices or check its website for more information.
1 What animal can we find on the logo of the World Wildlife Fund?
A a rabbit
B a tiger
C a panda
2 Where does the World Wildlife Fund work?
A Switzerland
B the USA
3 What is the opposite of "destroy"?
A save
B cut
C Vietnam
D a dinosaur
D all over the world
D ruin
C harm
4 How many places in Vietnam does the World Wildlife Fund have offices?
A 2
B 3
C 4
D 5
5 Who do you think is NOT interested in this charity?
A People who love nature.
B People who care about animals.
C People who want to stop destroying animals' homes and killing animals.
D People who don't care about the environment.
b. Read the text. Complete the text using the sentences in the box.
In Vietnam, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is worried about trash from plastic bags.
They think that use of plastic is dangerous for people, so they work
very hard to reduce this kind of pollution. 7)
This project aims to reduce
plastic use in three big places in Vietnam - Phú Quốc, Hanoi, and Ho Chi Minh City – and
they want to do the same for other places in the near future. In this project, they do a lot
of things. 8)
. Second, they give public places like libraries and schools free
Third, they clean up rivers and pick up trash on the streets
The beach in Phú Quốc is now clean
water machines. 9)
nearby. It makes a huge difference. 10)
and people are happy to go there.
A Thanks to this, students don't need to use plastic bottles.
B In just 9 months, for example, Phú Quốc can reduce around 3,200 kilograms of plastic.
C One of the projects they are doing in Vietnam is No Plastic in Nature.
D First, they ask people to stop using plastic bags and to start using cloth bags.
E They are the main cause of air and water pollution in the country.
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