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27/01/2024 13:13:08

Underline Nominal Clauses in the following sentences and identify their functions

Giúp mình với mình cần gấp T_T
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
* Exercise 1: Underline Nominal Clauses in the following sentences and identify their functions
1. It is undeniable that studying in native countries allows students to
train English more effectively.
2. What makes overseas students worry is cultural differences.
3. I personally believe that the benefits of the Internet outweigh its
4. It is apparent that the risk of obesity increases if one consumes too
much fast food.
native (adj): bản địa
cultural difference (n): khác biệt
về văn hóa
apparent (adj):
adolescent (n): trẻ tuổi vị thành
consequence (n): hậu quả
debate (n): cuộc tranh luận
5. It is necessary to make sure that adolescents are aware of the
consequences of committing a crime.
Which impacts advertisements have on children is a heated debate.
7. It is noticeable from the table that the US exported the most garbage to developing nations.
8. I hold the view that modern technological devices improve communication and personal relationships.
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