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30/01 08:04:53

Read the website article. Write ONE suitable word in each space

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Read the website article. Write ONE suitable word in each space. (5 questions)
How are UN World Heritage sites chosen?
At the time of writing, there are 1,164 sites on the World Heritage List, located in 167 countries around
the world. A total of 903 are cultural, 218 are natural, and 43 have both cultural and natural importance,
the Uluru Rock in Australia, which is not only a religious site for people from the first
inhabitants of Australia but also a unique rock formation. But how is a site chosen for the list?
World Heritage sites are chosen by considering their cultural or natural importance and (26)
importance to the world as a whole. The process of choosing these sites is controlled by the United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
First, a country that wants a building or a landscape to become a World Heritage site must apply to
UNESCO. The application must include a detailed report on the site's history, architecture, animals, or
plants, and its cultural or natural significance. UNESCO's World Heritage Committee then checks the
or not to accept the application. It might
value of each site based on its strict rules and decides (27)
Page 3
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