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04/02/2024 09:31:45

Find a redundant word in each line (if any)

mik cần gấp ạaaaaaaaaaaaa!!
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
V. Find a redundant word in each line (if any)
In Wales, there was a handsome young prince was called Llewellyn. He was very fond of (line 1...) hunting and
used to go out there into the forests and mountains with his favorite hunting dog(line 2...), whose name was Gelert.
One time day, however, he left his Gelert at home to guard (line 3...) his baby son who was only a few months old.
In the evening when the prince came back (line 4...) from hunting, he saw was blood on the walls and he could not
find his baby son. Then he (line 5...) saw his dog running toward on him, covered in violently angry, drew his sword
and killed (line 6...) the dog with one blow. However when he looked around his house as carefully, he found (line
7...) his son lying under a chair, alive and well. Then when he saw the dead body of a huge wolf (line 8...). He
realized that Gelert had saved his son's life by fighting and killing the own wolf. He was (line 9...) terrified by the
wrong mistake he had made and he never went hunting again. (line 10...)
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