Quốc Đại Phạm Lê | Chat Online
11/02/2024 21:29:26

Complete the sentences with the correct words in the box

III.    Complete the sentences with the correct words in the box.
1.  All we need to run is good _______________.
2.  They fight in a square area with ropes around it, called a boxing _______________.
3.  _______________ are special glasses that fit closely to the face to protect the eyes from wind, dust, water, etc.
4.  In boxing, the fighters wear large leather boxing _______________ on their hands.
5.  Shall we play table tennis? - Great! Can you lend me a _______________?
6.  He threw his tennis _______________ across the court in anger.
7.  When we put _______________ on we can move over snow easily.
8.  He sometimes rides his _______________ to school.
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