Quốc Đại Phạm Lê | Chat Online
11/02/2024 21:29:53

Underline the correct answers

IV.     Underline the correct answers.
     You want to do sport, but you don’t know which sport to choose. (1) Gymnastics/ Surfing/ Skiing is fun, but it’s expensive and you can only do it in winter. Cycling is good exercise, but you must buy a (2) racket/ bicycle/ net and a (3) helmet/ swimming cap/ skateboard. How about (4) bowling/ running/ scuba diving? It doesn’t cost any money and you can do it any time and any place. You only need some good trainers, some comfortable clothes - and the Runkeeper smartphone app. With this app you can see your distance and your speed. Do you prefer to exercise at a sports club? You don’t need an expensive personal trainer. You can use Runkeeper while you are (5) cycling/ surfing/ weightlifting on an exercise bike or while you are jumping and kicking in a (6) karate/ volleyball/ basketball lesson. You can’t lose with this incredible app!
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