thuyanh | Chat Online
19/02/2024 22:16:04

Complete each sentence with the correct preposition

V. Complete each sentence with the correct preposition.

1. She applied _________ a job with the local newspaper.
2. His height and reach give him a big advantage ___________ other boxers.
3. Farming is not an attractive career option ___________ many young people.
4. It is hard for low-skilled workers to earn their way out of poverty _______ a tough job market that favours skilled and educated workers.
5. She would be their first choice _________ the job.
6. She received an honourary degree ___________ Harvard.
7. It may be necessary ____________ him to have a training course for the job.
8. She related rising unemployment rates directly __________ government policies.
9. What are your plans ___________ this weekend?
10. Many young people want to get ___________ advertising or public relations.
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