thi sam tran | Chat Online
26/02 20:43:43

Choose the best answer to complete each sentence

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
ied mil axis HT
I. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence
! We were very upset when our favourite team didn't
A. play
2. My parents often help me
A after
3 France is the most
gning on
A visiting
4. Unless he runs, he
A. will
nonummylni o
even one
one god
B.kicks mul 15wens to point soods bas ooilscore
my homework
Tyniob bi b
A. American red old
9. There is
A. little
11. If the
A. water
B with
10. Nobody
A know
A. May
6. Bring your umbrella 12
catch the train
B. wouldn't
you hand me that pair of scissors, please?"
B. Shall
C Will
rain later boot
aniqode anCabout 8
lapin Domo
country to visit. It has about 76 million visitors a
popular a
D relaxin
B. might
C must
7. Mary is the day of the twinsgewe sell
A. prettiest
8. This is a (an)
C. mustn't
B. old red American
cooking oil in the bottle. We
B. a little
B. prettien dans of vow. pretrys bus no
si mi aged pads and
D. Should
C red American old
should buy some more
C few
him very well because he is new herbindba
B. knows
C. knowing
is polluted, we won't have enough food to cat.
B. air
C. noise
gad In
D. won't
hoy should
D. old America
D. a few
D. knew
D. soil
Gollowing exchange
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