Akari | Chat Online
01/03 09:47:38

Complete the sentences with a word from the box

cứu tui vs aa
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Present perfect and past simple
1 Complete the sentences with a word from the box.
already for just since yet
1 Oscar's been a successful actor
2 I have to give the project in next week but I'm relaxed
because I've
done it.
finished, so you can turn on
she was eight
I haven't had any information about the exhibition
I hope they'll send it tomorrow.
3 The film has.
your phone now.
4 She hasn't seen her uncle.
years old.
You don't need to call Danny. I've
him what time we have to be there.
7 Lorena's
8 Have you received
internet is so slow today.
1 How long.
best friend?
2 1.
my last holiday.
Complete the sentences with the past simple or present
perfect form of the verb in brackets.
he was four.
5 1
yet, but I want to go next week.
4 He.
gone out. She left two minutes
6 We.
last week.
Don't touch my computer!
? The
(you/know) your
(take) hundreds of photos on
(not be) to the new stadium
(learn) to ride a bike when
(tell) you three times already.
(go) to see a brilliant play
Exam candidates often make mistakes with the present
perfect and past simple. Underline the mistakes in the
sentences and correct them.
1 I haven't see him since I was at school.
2 I lost my phone yesterday and haven't still found it!
3 Yesterday she's gone to Japan for two weeks.
4 I have wanted to learn to play the guitar since a long
5 I have bought my tablet five years ago but it still works
really well.
6 We haven't seen that new film already.
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