Nguyễn Nghĩa | Chat Online
02/03/2024 18:20:22

How (1) many / much food do you eat between your evening meal and breakfast the next day? The answer is probably a (2) little/ few or perhaps none

How (1) many / much food do you eat between your evening meal and breakfast the next day? The answer is probably a (2) little/ few or perhaps none. How (3) many / much days a week do you miss breakfast? Don't! A good breakfast gives your body important food for the day. Do you usually have a (4) little / few biscuits and a (5) little / lot milk like (6) many / much young people? Once again, don't! Start your day well by eating a (7) little / few fruit and some cereal. How (8) many / much time do you usually spend with your family? Breakfast is a great moment to sit down together in the kitchen and talk.
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