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02/03 23:23:50

Read the information about the world's largest mall

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Read the information about the world's largest mall. Complete the statistics with NUMBERS
The West Edmonton Mall in Alberta, Canada is the biggest shopping and entertainment
complex in the world. It attracts nine million tourists a year. They travel to Edmonton from all
over just to shop. Many tourists never leave the mall during their visit to Edmonton. They stay in
one of the two hotels in the complex.
With the help of a map, you can explore the mall for days. It covers more than 493,000
square meters (5.3 million square feet). It is the size of forty-eight city blocks, employs more than
twenty-three thousand people, and has parking for twenty thousand cars. There are more than
eight hundred shops and department stores and about a hundred and ten restaurants.
The mall is not just a place to shop and eat. The complex has twenty-six movie theaters
and a giant amusement park. The weather gets cold in Edmonton, but even when it's freezing
outside, you can swim in one of the indoor swimming pools at the World Waterpark. There is also
a skating rink, and there is a miniature golf course in the complex.
All of this is available 365 days a year. So, what are you waiting for?
Total Area:
Tourists per year:
Parking spaces:
Movie theaters:
Days mall is open:
West Edmonton Mall: Statistics
493,000 m²
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